Sunday 5 February 2012

Let me be a mature girl!!! version 2

I'm almost 22 years old, mmm still young yeah hehe..but it's time for me to be a mature girl!! Being a mature girl, it's quite difficult. I have to handle my feelings, my emotions, my behaviour, etc. Really, it's not easy!

Sometimes i feel i've already been a mature girl...yeah..especiallly when my friends told me about their problems, then i'll give my suggestions wisely. But ? unfortunately, the criterias for becoming mature girl aren't like that. *fyuhh.

Seriously, so difficult for me to be a mature girl espescially when i fall in love. I can't handle feelings of love to a man, you know? that's why i'm quite scared. Please give me suggestion !!!! I wanna forget it *hush hush.
I often smile to myself when i remembered how i gave suggestions to my friends about their love problems, but now? i can't do anything for this feelings. Stupid! God, Please let me be a mature girl to handle this!!

Hufh,Ok...stop! maybe before i tell you more about my "galau" feelings, i will end my post hehe *take a deep breath.

Bye bye.


  1. If you wanna forget it, the #hush..hush its not enough my little laxmi..^^ Think about the negative and positive aspects if you say 'yes!' or 'no!' What ur priority now? Study or lovely..Lol

  2. Ok so it's a choice. Thanks for ur wise suggestion! :)


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